EPL announces a newly formed strategic alliance with Histion, an Everett, Washington based preclinical laboratory specializing in GLP-compliant routine and specialty histology and evaluation services. This alliance is specifically targeted to expand and enhance EPL’s and Histion’s capabilities to an ever expanding area of medical device and novel biomaterial testing. Although Histion specializes in processing and histopathological and histomorphometric analysis of plastic-embedded hard and soft tissues containing medical devices they also have experience processing and evaluating a broad range of biologics and combination products that incorporate novel biomaterials (metals and polymers).
Histion has over 25 years of technical expertise in providing state-of-the-art services for medical device testing that includes: x-ray and digital imaging systems for high quality radiographs of both large (including ruminant species) and small specimens; sledge microtomes and EXAKT systems for precision trimming, cutting and grinding and; histochemistry and immunohistochemistry, including development of immunohistochemical methods for methacrylate-embedded specimens.
Histion’s support for medical device testing not only includes broad experience in animal and surgical model development, tailored to the client’s product targets, but also includes in depth experience and understanding of regulatory requirements. EPL’s reputation for providing high quality pathology support in preclinical safety testing is now expanded to include board-certified veterinary pathologists with experience in medical device testing. The EPL and Histion alliance brings a synergism of scientists and techniques to offer cutting edge support in the area of medical device and novel biomaterial testing. For more information please visit www.histion.com.
Categories:NewsTags:biologics, biomaterial, combination products, EPL, EXAKT, GLP-compliant, Histion, Immunohistochemistry, medical device, methacrylate-embedded specimens, plastic-embedded hard and soft tissues, preclinical laboratory, preclinical safety testing, sledge microtomes, specialty histology