Ms. Emily Singletary provides support in the Government Operations Manager role. She manages the daily operations and performance of units associated with EPL’s government contracts. She ensures activities comply with each Statement of Work and works closely with the Project Director, Dr. Thomas J. Steinbach. Ms. Singletary has held the Government Operations Manager position since 2023.
Ms. Singletary graduated from North Carolina State University with a B.S. in Biological Sciences in 1999 and is currently a student in the San José State University Master of Archives and Records Administration graduate degree program. Upon completing the program, she will be eligible to gain her Certified Records Manager (CRM) certification through the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM).
Ms. Singletary has worked for EPL for over twenty-three years. She started in 2000 as a Pathology Support technician and part-time photography assistant. In this position, she assisted pathologists and other scientists in capturing photographs using a film photomicroscope. She was also responsible for scanning existing Kodachromes selected by a requestor and then adjusting the image using Adobe Photoshop. Ms. Singletary was assigned as a full-time Biological Photographer in 2004. She became the Digital Imaging Unit Supervisor in 2009, taking on responsibilities of the unit’s resources and growing its capabilities in service to the our clients and their paths toward digital pathology. In 2020, Ms. Singletary took on duties as the Contract Support Manager, providing support for our government contracts while also maintaining and driving growth of digital imaging support for EPL’s other clients.