Torrie A. Crabbs received her D.V.M. degree from North Carolina State University, completed her anatomic pathology residency training at the University of California-Davis as an ACVP/STP Coalition Fellow, and studied as an Intramural Post-doctoral Fellow at the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). She is certified by the American College of Veterinary Pathologists in anatomical pathology and is a licensed veterinarian in North Carolina. Torrie is currently a Senior Pathologist for Experimental Pathology Laboratories (EPLâ), Inc., where she also serves as the Director of Pathology for the North Carolina facility. Torrie is an active member of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP), Society of Toxicologic Pathologists (STP), American College of Toxicology (ACT), and North Carolina Chapter of the Society of Toxicology (NCSOT). She has participated on numerous STP committees and working groups, including but not limited to, the Membership Committee, Scientific Programming Planning Committee, and INHAND Urinary System Working Group. Torrie has served as a member and Chairperson of the Board of Governors for the ACVP/STP Coalition of Veterinary Pathology Fellows. She has served as Chair/Co-chair for numerous sessions / CE Courses hosted by the STP, ACVP, and ACT and the Research Triangle Park Rodent Pathology Course. Torrie has extensive experience in toxicology pathology, within both government and industry, and was awarded the Distinguished Early Career Award by the Society of Toxicologic Pathology. She has authored or co-authored numerous peer-reviewed publications and book chapters and was invited to present various topics nationally and internationally. She has served as a reviewer for several journals in the field of toxicology and toxicology pathology.
Expertise and Interests
• Toxicologic Pathology
• Pathology Peer Review
• Pathology Working Groups (PWG)
• Digital Pathology and Artificial Intelligence
• Respiratory Tract Pathology
• Renal Pathology
• Intestinal Pathology
• Chemical Carcinogenesis